Quanle Xu


  Associate Prof.  Xu Quanle


  Contact Information:

  Mailing Address:

  College of Life Sciences

  Northwest A&F University

  Yangling, Shaanxi 712100

  P. R. China

  Phone: (86) 29 87092262

  Fax: (86) 29 87092262

  E-mail: xuql03@163.com

  Office: North Campus, Science Building, College of Life Sciences, E202


  Research Interests:

  Modification of grass pea for food and feed applications. Grass pea ( Lathyrus sativus L.) is a very important potential crop in the arid and semiarid regions for its comparable protein content with soybean and more resistant to different biotic and abiotic stress under climate change and food security. However, incorporating grass pea as a major component in the diet is a challenge because the seed accumulates neurotoxic β-N-oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminopropionic acid (β-ODAP) and deficiency in sulfur-containing amino acids. Further, the presence of anti-nutritional factors such as trypsin inhibitor and elicitation of allergic reactions in susceptible individuals also disturb its utilization. The goal of our research program is to improve the overall quality of grass pea seed composition by molecular biological approaches.

  Regulation mechanism of phyllotaxy formation. Phyllotaxy is a key feature of plant development and one of the most fascinating patterns in biology. It could also affect the output of grains like maize. It had been well known that plant hormones like auxin, cytokinin and gibberellins play important roles in phyllotaxy formation. At the same time, several key genes expression like PIN1 and KNOXI were verified playing roles in phyllotactic pattern and related to hormone accumulation and distribution. Recently, we obtained a tricussate whorled phyllotaxis mutant from gloxinia that do not harbor any other abnormal phenotype. The goal of our research program is to investigate the molecular mechanism of plant phyllotactic patterning.


  Education Experiences:

  Lanzhou University, Cell Biology, Ph.D. 2009

  Lanzhou University, Biotechnology, B. S. 2003


  Professional Experiences:

  Associate professor in College of Life Science, Norwest A&F University (2017-present)

  Lecturer in College of Life Science, Norwest A&F University (2009-2016)

  Visiting Scholar in Plant Genetics Research Unit, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, University of Missouri, Columbia (2016-2017)

  Postdoc fellow in Norwest A&F University (2015- present)



  Xu QL, Liu FJ, Chen P, Jez JM, Krishnan HB*. (2017) β-N-oxalyl-L-α,β- diaminopropionic acid (β-ODAP) content in Lathyrus sativus : the integration of nitrogen and sulfur metabolism through β-cyanoalanine synthase. Int J Mol Sci 18(3): 526.

  Li RS, Tao YJ, Liu FJ, Hu X, Xu QL*, Li KY. (2016) In vitro plant regeneration via indirect organogenesis from different explants of Lathyrus sativus L. and Lathyrus cicera L. Phyton-Int J Exp Bot 85:4-11.

  Zhang MK, Liu FJ, TaoYJ, Hu X, Li RS, XU QL*. (2016) Cloning of CASase gene from Lathyrus sativus and construction of its RNAi vector. Acta Agrestia Sinia 24(5): 1146-1149.

  Chen XJ, Tao YJ, Hu X, Xu QL*. (2015) Ectopic expression of the PttKN1 gene in Cardamine hirsuta mediated via the floral dip method. Phyton-Int J Exp Bot 84:368-374.

  Xu QL, Ruan MY, Tao YJ, Hu Xin*. (2015) Over-expression of the hybrid aspen homeobox PttKN1 gene in red leaf beet induced altered coloration of leaves. Not Bot Horti Agrobo 43(1): 35-40.

  Xu QL*, Gao N, Ruan MY, Ding WQ, Hu X, Wang CY, Wang XY. (2015) Ectopic expression of the PttKN1 gene induced altere leaf morphology and hormonal levels in transgenic tobacco. J Plant Biochem Biot echnol 24(2):197-203.

  Tao YJ, Li KY, Xu QL*. (2014) Change of Cotyledon Number in Red Leaf Beet ( Beta vulgaris L. Var cicla L) and Altered Vascular Bundles of Tricotyledonous Seedling. Vegetos 27(3): 135-138.

  Xu QL*, Ruan MY, Hu X. (2013) Ectopic expression of the PttKN1 gene in coleus ( Solenostemon scutellarioides ). Indian J Genet 73(4):419-425.

  Xu QL, Dong JL, Ruan MY, Jia HY, Ding WQ, Gao N, Wang CY*. (2011) Transgenic lines of Begonia president generated by ectopic expression of PttKN1 . Biologia 66(2), 251-257.

  Xu QL, Xie YH, Liu WT, Ruan MY, Hu X, Jia HY, Wang CY*. (2010) Two different pathways for the high-efficiency plant regeneration of gloxinia. Acta Horticulturae Sinica 37(1): 135-140.

  Xu QL, Xie YH, Ru H, Hu X, Wang CY*, Wang XY. (2009) Efficient Plant Regeneration in vitro from Red Leaf Beet via Organogenesis. Russ J Plant Physl 56(4): 546-550.

  Xu QL, Hu Z, Li CY, Wang XY, Wang CY*. (2009) Tissue culture of Sinningia speciosa and analysis of the in vitro -generated tricussate whorled phyllotaxis ( twp ) variant. In Vitro Cell Dev-Plant 45:583-590.

  Jiao CJ, Xu QL, Wang CY*, Li FM, Li ZX, Wang YF. (2006) Accumulation pattern of toxin β -ODAP during lifespan and effect of nutrient elements on β -ODAP content in Lathyrus sativus seedlings. J Agr Sci 144: 369-375.


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