张新梅等《Plant Physiology》2022年

作者: 来源: 发布日期:2022-06-01 浏览次数:

论文题目:TaBln1 negatively regulates wheat resistance to stripe rust by reducing Ca2+ influx

论文作者:Shuangyuan Guo, Yanqin Zhang, Min Li, Peng Zeng, Qiong Zhang,Xing Li, Quanle Xu, Tao Li, Xiaojie Wang, Zhensheng Kang, and Xinmei Zhang


Blufensin1 (Bln1) has been identified as a susceptibility factor of basal defense mechanisms that is unique to the cereal grain crops barley, wheat, riceandrye. However, the molecular mechanisms through which Blufensin1 regulates the wheat immune response are poorly understood. In this study, we found that TaBln1 is significantly induced by Pucciniastriiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) virulent race CYR31 infection. Knockdown of expression of TaBln1 by virus-induced gene silencing reduced Pst growth and development, and enhanced the host defense response. In addition, TaBln1 was found to physically interact with TaCaM3 on the plasma membrane. Silencing TaCaM3 with virus-induced gene silencing increased fungal infection areas and sporulation and reduced wheat resistance to the Pstavirulent race CYR23 (incompatible interaction) and virulent race CYR31 (compatible interaction). Moreover, we found that the accumulation of TaCaM3 transcripts could be induced by treatment with chitin but not flg22. Silencing TaCaM3 decreased the Ca2+ influx induced by chitin, but silencing TaBln1 increased the Ca2+ influx in vivo using a non-invasive micro-test technique. Taken together, we identified the wheat susceptibility factor TaBln1, which interacts with TaCaM3 to impair Ca2+ influx and inhibits plant defenses.

小麦条锈病由条锈菌(Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, Pst)引起,是严重影响小麦生产的真菌病害之一。为了获得抗病能力,传统育种依赖于单抗(R)基因的部署。然而,这一策略很容易被不断进化的病原体所克服。近年来,感病基因失活被认为是获得持久和广谱抗性作物的有效途径。该研究鉴定到一个受条锈菌强烈诱导的感病基因TaBln1。推测TaBln1可能与正调控因子TaCaM3互作,影响钙调蛋白的功能导致钙离子的流入受限,从而发挥感病功能。该研究为揭示小麦感病基因在植物与病原菌互作过程中的分子机制提供了新线索,为小麦分子设计育种提供了具有重要应用价值的基因资源。

