中国细胞生物学会常务理事,陕西省细胞生物学学会副理事长;第五届中国农业转基因生物安全委员会委员;第十四届中国植物结构与生殖专业委员会委员;陕西省综合评标评审专家;《Environmental and Experimental Botany》、《应用与环境生物学报》、《西北植物学报》、《生物技术通报》和《干旱农业研究》等杂志编委。入选2011年教育部“新世纪优秀人才”计划。
1989.9 - 1992.6 天水师范学院生物系学习;
1997.9 - 2000.6 兰州大学皇冠登陆入口welcome硕士研究生,方向:植物生长调节物质;
2000.9 - 2003.6 兰州大学皇冠登陆入口welcome博士研究生;方向:植物环境生理学;
2003.7 - 2006.5 中科院植物研究所发育中心博士后;方向:发育与细胞生殖生物学.
1992.7 - 2003.12 天水师范学院生物系任教,助理实验师;
2003.12 - 2005.6 天水师范学院生物系, 副教授;
2005.7 - 2006.4 浙江大学农业与生物技术学院,副教授;
2006.5 – 2010.6 浙江大学农业与生物技术学院,副教授,硕士研究生导师;
2010.7- 皇冠登陆入口welcome皇冠登陆入口welcome,教授,博士研究生导师。
2007.5 - 2009.5 芬兰图尔库大学生物学系植物生理与分子生物学实验室访问学者,合作教授是芬兰科学院院士、第十四届国际光合作用学会主席Eva-Mari Aro 教授。
在读博士研究生:张鹏鹏、Nadeem Bhanbhro(南迪)、石鹏涛、王宏进、Uzair Ullah (泊安)、李晓慧、杨浩
1) 作物与环境互作的细胞分子机制:进行小麦、水稻等大作物与环境因子如干旱、高低温等互作的遗传网络解析、功能基因定位与克隆、以及信号调控机制的研究。主要围绕ROS信号途径及其调控关键基因家族功能、激素与环境互作调控种子萌发与穗发芽及耐旱机制、株型与表皮毛发育调控等开展研究,以重要基因的精细定位与克隆、表达分析、分子操纵、突变体创制等为切入点,采用正向或反向遗传学的手段,进行不同逆境条件下作物耐逆性、基因功能及逆境信号调控的研究;同时利用大规模自然群体和突变体库,进行作物与环境互作的遗传网络解析、关键基因挖掘和单倍型分析等研究。
2) 基因编辑及合成生物学:采用CRISPR基因编辑技术和多基因堆叠系统开展重要农作物及中药材关键调控基因的敲除或聚合,创制具有重要应用前景的基因编辑材料和功能生物。主要围绕重金属富集机制、中药材有效成分调控关键基因功能解析,创制基因编辑及多基因聚合重金属超富集转基因工程植物、重要中药材有效成分生物合成工程材料,进行这些材料的应用化潜力研究。
1. TaSnRK2.1/TaABI3-TaPI4Kγ模块参与小麦穗发芽调控的分子遗传机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,编号:32270372,2023.1-2026.12;主持人;
2. BnPDR8基因编辑工程油菜的创制及其在土壤重金属污染治理中的应用,陕西省重点研发计划项目,编号:S2023-YF-YBNY-0324,2023.1-2024.12;主持人;
3. 农业转基因安全监督检查辅助支持,农业农村部政府购买服务项目,编号:13200081,2020.5-2021.5;主持人;
4. 重金属超富集转基因工程油菜的创制及其在重金属污染土壤修复中的应用,陕西省重点研发计划项目,编号:2019SF-249,2019.1-2020.12;主持人;
5. 农业转基因生物抽样检测、监督检查和科普宣传,农业农村部政府购买服务项目,编号:13190019,2019.1-2019.12;主持人;
6. 过氧化物酶体定位的NAD激酶TaNADK4参与小麦干旱应答的分子调控机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,编号:31770204,2018.1-2021.12;主持人;
7. 土壤重金属植物修复技术研发及工程植物创制,横向项目,2017.1-2020.12;主持人;
8. 小麦逆境应答转录因子TaMYB1的克隆及功能分析,陕西省自然科学基金面上项目,编号:2016JM3007,2016.1-2017.12;主持人;
9. 水稻类受体蛋白激酶LRK2和RLCK267互作蛋白网络构建及抗逆功能分析,基本科研业务费专项资金项目,编号:2452015217,2015.8-2015.12;主持人;
10. 小麦NADK家族基因参与非生物胁迫应答的分子调控机制研究,旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室基本科研业务费重点项目,编号:CSBAAZD1301;2013.1-2015.12;主持人;
11. 光合产氢微藻的筛选鉴定及其细胞分子机制,教育部留学回国人员科研启动费, 2013. 1-2015.12; 主持人;
12. 水稻OsNOX2抗旱的分子机制及其调控信号研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:31270299;2013.1-2016.12;主持人;
13. 小麦NOX酶家族基因功能及其抗逆的细胞分子机制,2011年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目,项目编号:NCET-11-0440,2012.1-2014.12;主持人;
14. 秸秆能源气固化关键技术及设备自动化研发,农业农村部2012年农村能源综合建设项目,2012.1-2012.12; 主持人;
15. 作物NOX酶抗逆的细胞分子机制与遗传转化,皇冠登陆入口welcome引进人才科研启动费,2010.7-2013.7;
16. 水稻活性氧介导的干旱胁迫响应与忍耐分子生理机制解析,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:30871469; 2009.1-2011.12,主持人;
17. 不同生态型芦苇叶细胞壁结构的生理生态学特征,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:30470274;2005.1-2007.12,主持人;
18. 棉花纤维突变体候选基因的克隆与功能验证——棉纤维品质相关候选基因的克隆,农业农村部重大转基因专项,编号:2009ZX05009-0286,2009.7–2010.12,研究骨干;
19. 水、旱稻NADPH氧化酶基因在不同水分管理模式下的表达与调控,浙江省自然科学基金项目,批准号:Y306087;2007.1-2009.12,主持人;
20. 水稻Nox酶基因表达及遗传转化体系构建,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助;No. 2009QA602,2009.11-2010.12,主持人;
21. 水稻抗旱性及水分高效利用的生理与分子基础,浙江大学优秀青年教师资助计划项目(“紫金”计划);2006.10-2008.10;主持人;
22. 磷酸肌醇信号参与裸子植物花粉萌发和花粉管发育过程的调控机制,国家博士后科学基金,第34批,编号:20030334225;2004.1-2004.12,主持人;
23. 作物抗逆性与水分养分高效利用的生理和分子基础”第五课题“作物抗旱抗盐的生理学调控机制”,国家重点基础研究规划项目(973计划),编号:G1999011700,1999-2003;参加。
1. 细胞生物学课程建设,2012年皇冠登陆入口welcome本科优质课程建设项目,2013.1-2014.12。
2. 2019年校级规划教材建设重点项目:细胞生物学。
3. 陈坤明、曾文先、赵立群主编,《细胞生物学》,普通高等教育农业农村部“十三五”规划教材,ISBN:978-7-03-072565-3,科学出版社,2022。
1. Shalmani A#, Ullah U#, Tai L, Zhang R, Jing XQ, Muhammad I, Bhanbhro N, Liu WT, Li WQ, Chen KM*. OsBBX19-OsBTB97/OsBBX11 module regulates spikelet development and yield production in rice. Plant Science, 2023, 334:111779. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2023.111779. (SCI; IF2023 =5.2) (中科院生物大类2区)
2. Zhang R#, Shi PT#, Zhou M, Liu HZ, Xu XJ, Liu WT, Chen KM*. Rapid alkalinization factor: function, regulation, and potential applications in agriculture. Stress Biology, 2023, 3:16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s44154-023-00093-2.
3. Yang Z, Wu HT, Yang H, Chen WD, Liu JL, Yang F, Tai L, Li BB, Yuan B, Liu WT, Zhang YF*, Luo YR*, Chen KM*. Overexpression of Sedum SpHMA2, SpHMA3 and SpNramp6 in Brassica napus increases multiple heavy metals accumulation for phytoextraction. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 449: 130970. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.130970. (SCI; IF2023 =13.6)(中科院环境与生态大类1区, Top期刊)
4. Ju L, Dong H, Yang R, Jing Y, Zhang Y, Liu L, Zhu Y, Chen KM*, Ping J*, Sun J*. BIN2 phosphorylates the Thr280 of CO to restrict its function in promoting Arabidopsis flowering. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14:1068949. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1068949. (SCI; IF2023=5.6) (中科院生物大类2区, Top期刊)
5. Hu CH, Li BB, Chen P, Shen HY, Xi WG, Zhang Y, Yue ZH, Wang HX, Ma KS, Li LL, Chen KM*. Identification of CDPKs involved in TaNOX7 mediated ROS production in wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 13:1108622. https://doi.org/ 10.3389/fpls.2022.1108622. (SCI; IF2023=5.6) (中科院生物大类2区, Top期刊)
6. Zhang RX, Li BB, Yang ZG, Huang JQ, Sun WH, Bhanbhro N, Liu WT, Chen KM*. Dissecting plant gene functions using CRISPR toolsets for crop improvement. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022. 70: 7343-7359. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.2c01754. (SCI; IF2022=5.895) (中科院农林科学大类1区, Top期刊)
7. Ma J, Tang X, Sun B, Wei J, Ma L, Yuan M, Zhang D, Shao Y, Li C, Chen KM*, Jiang L*. A NAC transcription factor, TaNAC5D-2, acts as a positive regulator of drought tolerance through regulating water loss in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2022. 196: 104805. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2022.104805. (SCI; IF2022=6.028) (中科院环境科学与生态学大类2区)
8. Li WQ#*, Zhang MJ#, Qiao L#, Chen YB, Zhang DP, Jing XQ, Gan PF, Huang YB, Gao JR, Liu WT, Shi CH, Cui HC, Li HF*, Chen KM*. Characterization of wavy root 1, an agravitropism allele, reveals the functions of OsPIN2 in fine regulation of auxin transport and distribution and in ABA biosynthesis and response in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The Crop Journal. 2022. 10: 980-992. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2021.12.004. (SCI; IF2022=4.647)(中科院农林科学大类1区, Top期刊)
9. Yang Z, Yang F, Liu JL, Wu HT, Yang H, Shi Y, Liu J, Zhang YF, Luo YR*, Chen KM*. Heavy metal transporters: Functional mechanisms, regulation, and application in phytoremediation. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 809: 151099. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151099. (SCI; IF2022=10.753)(中科院环境科学大类1区, Top期刊)
10. Jing XQ#, Li WQ#, Zhou MR#, Shi PT, Zhang R, Shalmani A, Muhammad I, Wang GF, Liu WT, Chen KM*. Rice carbohydrate-binding malectin-like protein, OsCBM1, contributes to drought-stress tolerance by participating in NADPH oxidase-mediated ROS production. Rice. 2021, 14: 100. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12284-021-00541-5. (SCI; IF2021=4.783)(中科院农林科学大类1区, Top期刊)
11. Shalmani A#, Huang YB#, Chen YB, Muhammad I, Li BB, Ullah U, Jing XQ, Bhanbhro N, Liu WT, Li WQ, Chen KM*. The highly interactive BTB domain targeting other functional domains to diversify the function of BTB proteins in rice growth and development. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021, 192: 1311-1324. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.10.046. (SCI; IF2021=6.953) (中科院化学大类1区, Top期刊)
12. Xiong H, Hua L, Reyna-Llorens I, Shi Y, Chen KM, Smirnoff N, Kromdijk J, Hibberd JM*. Photosynthesis-independent production of reactive oxygen species in the rice bundle sheath during high light is mediated by NADPH oxidase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021, 118(25): e2022702118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2022702118. (SCI; IF2021=11.205)(中科院综合类1区, Top期刊)
13. Shalmani A, Ullah U, Muhammad I, Zhang D, Sharif R, Jia P, Saleem N, Gul N, Rakhmanva A, Tahir MM, Chen KM*, An N*. The TAZ domain-containing proteins play important role in the heavy metals stressbiology in plants. Environmental Research. 2021. 197: 111030. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2021.111030. (SCI; IF2021=6.498) (中科院环境科学与生态学大类2区)。
14. Tai L, Wang HJ, Xu XJ, Sun WH, Ju L, Liu WT, Li WQ, Sun J*, Chen KM*. Pre-harvest sprouting in cereals: genetic and biochemical mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2021, 72(8): 2857-2876. doi:10.1093/jxb/erab024. (SCI; IF2021=6.992) (中科院生物大类2区, Top期刊)
15. Shi Y#, Chang YL#, Wu HT, Shalmani A, Liu WT, Li WQ, Xu JW, Chen KM*. OsRbohB-mediated ROS production plays a crucial role in drought stress tolerance of rice. Plant Cell Reports. 2020. 39(12): 1767-1784. DOI: 10.1007/s00299-020-02603-2. (SCI; IF2020=3.825)
16. Hu CH#, Zeng QD#, Tai L, Zhang PP, Nie XM, Wang PQ, Liu WT, Li WQ, Kang ZS, Han DJ*, Chen KM*. The interaction between TaNOX7 and TaCDPK13 contributes to plant fertility and drought tolerance by regulating ROS production. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020. 68(28): 7333-7347. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02146. (SCI; IF2020=4.192) (中科院农林科学1区, Top期刊)
17. Jing XQ#, Zhou MR#, Nie XM, Zhang L, Shi PT, Shalmani A, Miao H, Li WQ, Liu WT*, Chen KM*. OsGSTU6 contributes to cadmium stress tolerance in rice by involving in intracellular ROS homeostasis. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00344-020-10148-7. (SCI; IF2020=2.672)
18. Hu CH#, Wang PQ#, Zhang PP, Nie XM, Li BB, Tai L, Liu WT, Li WQ, Chen KM*. NADPH oxidases: the vital performers and center hubs during plant growth and signaling. Cells, 2020, 9: 437. doi:10.3390/cells9020437. (SCI; IF2020= 4.366) (中科院生物大类2区)
19. Wang X#, Li BB#, Ma TT, Sun LY, Tai L, Hu CH, Liu WT, Li WQ, Chen KM*. The NAD kinase OsNADK1 affects the intracellular redox balance and enhances the tolerance of rice to drought. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20: 11. 10.1186/s12870-019-2234-8. (SCI; IF2020=3.497) (中科院生物大类2区)
20. Jing XQ#, Shalmani A#, Zhou MR#, Shi PT, Muhammad I, Shi Y, Sharif R, Li WQ, Liu WT*, Chen KM*. Genome-wide identification of malectin/malectin-like domain containing protein family genes in rice and their expression regulation under various hormones, abiotic stresses, and heavy metal treatments. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2020, 39: 492-506. doi.org/10.1007/s00344-019-09997-8. (SCI; IF2020=2.672)
21. Shalmani A#, Muhammad I#, Sharif R#, Zhao CP, Ullah U, Zhang D, Jing XQ, Amin B, Jia P, Tahir MM, Xu Z, Chen KM*, An N*. Zinc finger-homeodomain genes: evolution,functional differentiation, and expression profiling under flowering-related treatments and abiotic stresses in plants. Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 2019, 15: 1-16. doi.org/10.1177/117693431986793. (SCI; IF2019=2.203)
22. Tai L. Li BB, Nie XM, Zhang PP, Hu CH, Zhang L, Liu WT, Li WQ, Chen KM*. Calmodulin is the fundamental regulator of NADK-mediated NAD signaling in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10:681. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00681. (SCI; IF2019 =4.106) (中科院生物大类2区)
23. Ju L#, Jing Y#, Shi P, Liu J, Chen J, Yan J, Chu J, Chen KM*, Sun J*. JAZ proteins modulate seed germination through interacting with ABI5 in bread wheat and Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 2019, 223: 246-260. doi.org/10.1111/nph.15757. (SCI; IF2019=7.299) (中科院生物大类1区,Top期刊,双一流B刊)
24. Muhammad I#, Li WQ#, Jing XQ, Zhou MR, Shalmani A, Ali M, Wei XY, Sharif R, Liu WT, Chen KM*. A systematic in silico prediction of gibberellic acid stimulated GASA family members: A novel small peptide contributes to floral architecture and transcriptomic changes induced by external stimuli in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2019, 234-235: 117-132. doi.org/10.1016/j.jplph.2019.02.005 (SCI; IF2019=2.825)
25. Shalmani A#, Jing XQ#, Shi Y, Muhammad I, Zhou MR, Wei XY, Chen QQ, Li WQ, Liu WT, Chen KM*. Characterization of B-BOX gene family and their expression profiles under hormonal, abiotic and metal stresses in Poaceae plants. BMC Genomics, 2019, 20: 27. doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-5336-z. (SCI; IF2019 = 3.501) (中科院生物大类2区)
26. Hu CH#, Wei XY#, Yuan B, Yao LB, Ma TT, Zhang PP, Wang X, Wang P-Q, Liu WT, Li W-Q, Meng L-S, Chen KM*. Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of NADPH oxidase family genes in wheat during development and environmental stress responses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 906; doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00906. (SCI; IF2018 = 3.678) (中科院生物大类2区)
27. Sun LY, Cui WJ, Chen KM*. Two Mychonastes isolated from freshwater bodies are novel potential feedstocks for biodiesel production. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2018, 40(12): 1452-1460. https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2018.1477869. (SCI; IF2018=0.555)
28. Shalmani A, Fan S, Jia P, Li G, Muhammad I, Li Y, Sharif R, Dong F, Zuo X, Li K, Chen KM*, Han MY*. Genome Identification of B-BOX Gene Family Members in Seven Rosacea Species and Their Expression Analysis in Response to Flower Induction in Malus domestica. Molecules, 2018, 23: 1763; doi:10.3390/molecules23071763. (SCI; IF2018=3.098)
29. Muhammd I, Jing XQ, Shalmani A, Ali M, Yi S, Gan PF, Li WQ, Liu WT, Chen KM*. Comparative in silico analysis of ferric reduction oxidase (FRO) genes expression patterns in response to abiotic stresses, metal and hormone applications. Molecules, 2018, 23: 1163; doi:10.3390/molecules23051163. (SCI; IF2018=3.098)
30. Meng LS*, Li C, Xu MK, Sun XD, Wan W, Cao XY, Zhang JL*, Chen KM*. Arabidopsis ANGUSTIFOLIA3 (AN3) is associated with the promoter of CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) to regulate light-mediated stomatal development. Plant Cell & Environment, 2018, 41: 1645-1656. doi: 10.1111/pce.13212. (SCI; IF2018 =5.415) (中科院生物大类2区, Top期刊)
31. Li BB, Wang X, Tai L, Ma TT, Shalmani A, Liu WT, Li WQ, Chen KM*. NAD kinases: metabolic targets controlling redox co-enzymes and reducing power partitioning in plant stress and development. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9:379. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00379. (SCI; IF2018 = 3.678) (中科院生物大类2区)
32. Li WQ, Zhang MJ, Gan PF, Qiao L, Yang SQ, Miao H, Wang GF, Zhang MM, Liu WT, Shi CH*, Chen KM*. CLD1/SRL1 modulates leaf rolling by affecting cell wall formation, epidermis integrity and water homeostasis in rice. The Plant Journal, 2017, 92: 904-923. DOI:10.1111/tpj.13728. (SCI; IF2017 = 5.901) (中科院生物大类2区,Top期刊)
33. Zhou S, Jia L, Chu H, Wu D, Peng X, Liu X, Zhang J, Zhao J, Chen KM, Zhao L*. Arabidopsis CaM1 and CaM4 promote nitric oxide production and salt resistance by inhibiting S-nitrosoglutathione reductase via direct binding. PLoS Genetics, 2016, 12(9): e1006255. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006255. (SCI; IF2016 = 6.661) (中科院生物大类2区)
34. Yang SQ#, Li WQ#, Miao H, Gan PF, Qiao L, Chang YL, Shi CH, Chen KM*. REL2, a gene encoding an unknown function protein which contains DUF630 and DUF632 domains controls leaf rolling in rice. Rice, 2016, 9:37. doi:10.1186/s12284-016-0105-6. (SCI; IF2016 = 3.417) (中科院农林科学大类1区,Top期刊)
35. Wang YJ, Wei XY, Jing XQ, Chang YL, Hu CH, Wang X, Chen KM*. The fundamental role of NOX family proteins in plant immunity and their regulation. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2016, 17: 805; doi:10.3390/ijms17060805. (SCI; IF2016 = 3.257)
36. Chang YL, Li WY, Miao H, Yang SQ, Li R, Wang X, Li WQ, Chen KM*. Comprehensive genomic analysis and expression profiling of the NOX gene families under abiotic stresses and hormones in plants. Genome Biology and Evolution, 2016, 8(3):791-810. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evw035 (IF2016 = 4.098) (SCI; 中科院生物大类2区)
37. Wang X, Zhang MM, Wang YJ, Gao YT, Li R, Wang GF, Li WQ, Liu WT, Chen KM*. The plasma membrane NADPH oxidase OsRbohA plays a crucial role in developmental regulation and drought-stress response in rice. Physiologia Plantarum, 2016, 156: 421–443, DOI: 10.1111/ppl.12389. (SCI; IF2016 = 3.52)
38. Wang X#, Li WY#, Zhang MM, Gao YT, Liu WT, Li WQ, Muhammad I, Chen KM*. Identification and functional analysis of the NADK genes in wheat. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2016, 34: 118-135. DOI: 10.1007/s11105-015-0904-8. (SCI; IF2015=2.304)
39. Guo W, Chen S, Hussain N, Cong Y, Liang Z, Chen KM*. Magnesium stress signaling in plant: Just a beginning. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2015, 10:3, e992287.
40. Wu D, Chu HY, Jia LX, Chen KM*, Zhao LQ*. A feedback inhibition between nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide in the heat shock pathway in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Growth Regulation, 2015, 75: 503-509. (SCI; IF2015=1.672)
41. Guo W, Cong Y, Hussain N, Wang Y, Liu Z, Jiang L, Liang Z, Chen KM*. The Remodeling of seedling development in response to long-term magnesium toxicity and regulation by ABA-DELLA signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2014, 55(10): 1713-1726. (SCI; IF2014=4.978) (中科院生物大类 2 区)
42. Li WY, Wang X, Li R, Li WQ, Chen KM*. Genome-wide analysis of the NADK gene family in plants. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(6): e101051. (SCI; IF2014=3.534)
43. Wang L, Guo Y, Jia L, Chu H, Zhou S, Chen KM, Wu D, Zhao L. Hydrogen peroxide acts upstream of nitric oxide in the heat shock pathway in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Physiology, 2014, 164: 2184-2196. (SCI; IF2014=7.394)(中科院生物大类 1 区,Top期刊)
44. Wang GF, Li WQ, Li WY, Wu GL, Zhou CY, Chen KM*. Characterization of rice NADPH oxidase genes and their expression under various environmental conditions. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2013, 14: 9440-9458. (SCI; IF2013=2.464)
45. Gong HJ*, Chen KM. The regulatory role of silicon on water relations, photosynthetic gas exchange, and carboxylation activities of wheat leaves in field drought conditions. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2012, 34: 1589-1594 (SCI;IF2012=1.639)
46. Chen KM*, Gong HJ. Ascorbate-glutathione related redox regulation in plant stress tolerance. In eds: Anjum NA, Umar S, and Iqbal M; Oxidative Stress in Plants: Causes, Consequences and Tolerance. Published by IK International, New Delhi, India. 2012, pp259-290.
47. Wu LL, Liu ZL, Wang JM, Zhou CY, Chen KM*. Morphological, anatomical, and physiological characteristics involved in development of the large culm trait in rice. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2011, 5(11): 1356-1360. (IF2011=0.899)
48. Chen KM, Piippo M, Holmström M, Nurmi M, Aro E, Suorsa M, Aro EM*. A chloroplast-targeted DnaJ protein AtJ8 is negatively regulated by light and has rapid turnover in darkness. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011, 168: 1780-1783. (SCI;IF2011=2.677)
49. Chen KM, Holmström M, Raksajit W, Suorsa M, Piippo M, Aro EM*. Small chloroplast-targeted DnaJ proteins are involved in optimization of photosynthetic reactions in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology, 2010, 10: 43 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-10-43 (SCI;IF2010=4.03) (中科院生物大类 2 区)
50. Shi CG, Zhu YN, Li YL, Guo WL, Chen KM, Shamsi IH, Hua SJ, Zhong ZF, Zhou WJ, Jiang LX. DNA allelic variations at the loci putatively implicated in seed oil formation among Brassica oilseed cultivars. Molecular Breeding, 2010, 26: 51–64. (SCI;IF2010=2.193)
51. Duan ZQ, Bai L, Zhao ZG, Zhang GP, Cheng FM, Jiang LX, Chen KM*. Drought-stimulated activity of plasma membrane nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase and its catalytic properties in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2009, 51: 1104-1115. (SCI;IF2009=1.603) (中科院生物大类1区,Top期刊)
52. Pak H, Guo Y, Chen MX, Chen KM, Li YL, Hua SJ, Shamsi I, Meng HB, Shi CG, Jiang LX*. The effect of exogenous methyl jasmonate on the flowering time, floral organ morphology, and transcript levels of a group of genes implicated in the development of oilseed rape flowers (Brassica napus L.). Planta, 2009, 231: 79-91. (SCI; IF2009=3.098)
53. Duan ZQ, Wang JM, Bai L, Zhao ZG, Chen KM*. The alterations in anatomical and chemical characteristics rather than the changes in photosynthetic dynamics and apoplastic transport were involved in brittleness mutation of rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2008, 50: 1508-1517. (SCI; IF2008=1.603) (中科院生物大类1 区,Top期刊)
54. Bai L, Duan ZQ, Wang JM, An LZ, Zhao ZG, Chen KM*. Anatomical and chemical characteristics of a rolling leaf mutant of rice and its ecophysiological properties. Rice Science, 2008, 15: 201-208.
55. Chen KM, Wu GL, Wang YH, Tian CT, Šamaj J, Baluška F, Lin JX*. The block of intracellular calcium release affects the pollen tube development of Picea wilsonii by changing the deposition of cell wall components. Protoplasma, 2008, 233: 39-49. (SCI 索引刊物; IF2013=2.855)
56. Chen KM*, Gong HJ, Wang SM, Zhang CL. Antioxidant defense system in Phragmites communis Trin. ecotypes. Biologia Plantarum, 2007, 51:754-758.(SCI 索引刊物; IF2013=1.692)
57. Cheng FM, Zhang QF, Zhu HJ, Zhao NC, Wang F, Chen KM, Zhang GP*. The difference in amylase content within a panicle as affected by the panicle morphology of rice cultivars. Journal of Cereal Science, 2007, 46: 49-57. (SCI; IF2013=2.088)
58. Sun BT, Jing Y, Chen KM, Song LL, Chen FJ, Zhang LX*. Protective effect of nitric oxide on iron deficiency-induced oxidative stress in maize (Zea mays). Journal of Plant Physiology, 2007, 164: 536-543. (SCI; IF2013=2.699)
59. Chen KM, Wang F, Wang YH, Chen T, Hu YX, Lin JX*. Anatomical and chemical characteristics of foliar vascular bundles in four reed ecotypes adapated to different habitats. Flora, 2006, 201: 555-569. (SCI; IF2013=1.716)
60. Chen KM*, Gong HJ, Wang SM, Zheng WJ,Zhang CL. Regulations of the structure and catalytic property of plasma membrane H+-ATPase involve in adaptation of two reed (Phragmites communis) ecotypes to their different habitats. Biologia Plantarum, 2005, 49:513-519.(SCI; IF2013=1.692)
61. Chen KM*, Gong HJ, Chen GC, Wang SM, Zhang CL. Gradual drought under field condition influences the glutathione metabolism, redox balance and energy supply in spring wheat. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2004, 23: 20-28. (SCI; IF2013=1.99)
62. Chen KM, Gong HJ, Wang SM*, Zhang CL. The regulation of the plasma membrane redox system and H+-transport in adaptation of reed ecotypes to their habitats. Biologia Plantarum, 2004, 48: 87-92. (SCI; IF2013=1.692)
63. Chen KM, Hai-Jun Gong, Guo-Cang Chen, Suo-Min Wang, Cheng-Lie Zhang. Up-regulation of glutathione metabolism and changes in redox status involved in adaptation of reed (Phragmites communis) ecotypes to drought-prone and saline habitats. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2003, 160: 293-301 (SCI; IF2013=2.699)
64. Chen KM,Gong HJ,Chen GC,Zhang CL*. ACC and MACC biosynthesis and ethylene production in water-stressed spring wheat. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2002, 44 (7): 775-781. (SCI; IF2013=3.75)
65. Gong HJ, Chen KM, Chen GC, Wang SM*, Zhang CL. Effects of silicon on the growth of wheat under drought. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2003, 26: 1055-1063 (SCI; IF2013=0.526)
66. Gong HJ, Chen KM, Chen GC, Wang SM*, Cheng-lie Zhang. Drought stress stimulates p-nitrophenyl phosphate hydrolysis rate of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase from wheat leaves. Plant Growth Regulation, 2003, 40: 139-145 (SCI; IF2013=1.67)
67. Gong HJ, Chen KM, Chen GC, Zhao ZG, Wang SM*, Zhang CL. Redox system in the plasma membranes of two ecotypes of reed (Phragmites communis Trin.) leaves from different habitats. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2003, 32: 163-168. (SCI; IF2013=3.554)
68. Gong HJ, Zhu XY, Chen KM, Wang SM*, Zhang CL. 2005. Sillicon alleviates oxidative damage of wheat plants in pots under drought. Plant Science, 2005, 169: 313-321. (SCI; IF2013=2.922) (中科院生物大类2 区)
69. GONG Hai-jun, CHEN Kun-ming, GAO Yong-sheng, ZHAO Zhi-guang, WANG Suo-min, ZHANG Cheng-lie. Antioxidant system in two ecotypes of reed (Phragmites communis) leaves from different habitats. Acta Bot Boreal Occident Sin, 2004, 24: 193-198.
70. 刘文婷,马田田,周春菊,藏潇,李浪金,张宝军,杜威,张炜丽,陈坤明*. 禾本科植物单锌指家族基因对逆境应答的研究进展. 生物工程学报, 2016, 32(5): 541–553.
71. 邓春浩,孙良昱,陈坤明*.不同紫细菌光合基因表达调控机制异同. 生物技术通报, 2016, 32(2): 21-29.
72. 郜银涛, 周燕妮, 罗朝兵, 张凌云, 陈坤明*. 青杄类伸展蛋白基因PwELP1的克隆及表达分析. 皇冠登陆入口welcome学报(自然科学版), 2016, 44(10): 83-90.
73. 邓春浩,苟维超,孙良昱,陈坤明*. 不产氧光合细菌分离鉴定及其产氢菌株的快速筛选. 西北农业学报, 2016, 25(8):1187-1194.
74. 丛悦玺,骆东峰,陈坤明,蒋立希*,郭万里*. 生物镁离子转运体研究进展. 农业生物技术学报, 2012, 20(7): 837-848.
75. 刘忠丽,丛悦玺,苟维超,王响,陈坤明*. MYB类转录因子在植物细胞生长发育中的作用及其应用. 浙江农业学报, 2012, 24(1): 114-119.
76. 刘忠丽,丛悦玺,苟维超,王响,陈坤明*. ATMYB123和ATKOR1基因参与拟南芥根发育的调控. 西北植物学报, 2012, 32(1): 0042-0047.
77. 吴丽丽,周丛义,高永生,丛悦玺,陈坤明*,郭万里. 水稻NADK3基因的克隆及其遗传转化. 核农学报,2011, 25(5): 0863-0870.
78. 周丛义,吴国利,段壮芹,吴丽丽,高永生,陈坤明*. H2O2-NOX系统:一种植物体内重要的发育控制与胁迫响应机制. 植物学报,2010, 45: 615-631.
79. 陈坤明,张承烈。干旱期间春小麦叶片多胺含量与作物抗旱性的关系。植物生理学报,2000,26(5):381-386.
80. 陈坤明,宫海军,陈国仓,王锁民,张承烈。春小麦不同发育阶段抗氧化系统对田间缓慢干旱的响应。西北植物学报,2003,23(9):1497-1505.
81. 陈坤明,宫海军,王锁民。植物抗坏血酸的生物合成、转运及生物学功能。西北植物学报,2004,24(2):329-336.
82. 陈坤明,宫海军,王锁民。植物谷胱甘肽代谢与环境胁迫。西北植物学报,2004,24(6):1119-1130.
83. 宫海军,陈坤明,王锁民,张承烈。植物硅营养的研究进展。西北植物学报, 2004,24(12):2385-2392.
84. 宫海军,陈坤明,陈国仓,王锁民,张承烈。春小麦叶片质膜氧化还原系统及其对缓慢干旱胁迫的响应。西北植物学报,2003,23(2):229-234.
85. 宫海军,陈坤明,陈国仓,朱学艺,王锁民,张承烈。缓慢干旱下春小麦叶片质膜脂肪酸组成、H+-ATPase及5’-AMPase活力的变化。植物生态学报,2003,27(4):459-465.
86. 宫海军,陈坤明,陈国仓,王锁民,张承烈。硅对小麦生长及其抗氧化酶系统的影响。土壤通报,2003,34(1):55-57.
教改论文: (*通讯作者)
1. 李绍军, 陈坤明, 江元清, 高梅, 姚雅琴*, 胡景江. 关于现代细胞生物学专题课程建设的探索. 中国细胞生物学学报, 2012, 34(2): 190-194.
2. 李绍军, 高梅, 陈坤明*, 胡景江. 农林综合性院校细胞生物学教学改革及课程体系优化. 高等农业教育, 2014, 7: 54-57.
3. 李绍军, 曹建军, 陈坤明*, 胡景江. 此“壁酸”非彼“壁酸”—关于“细胞生物学”教材中细菌细胞壁特征描述的商榷. 中国细胞生物学学报, 2014, 36(10): 1409–1412.
4. 李绍军, 陈坤明*. 生物学名词“核体” 的规范翻译与使用. 中国科技翻译, 2014, 27(4): 21-23.
5. 李绍军, 高梅, 陈坤明, 胡景江. 细胞生物学中Karyoplast与Nuclear body的教学建议. 高等理科教育, 2016, 125(1): 114-119.
Email: kunmingchen@163.com; kunmingchen@nwsuaf.edu.cn.