
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2018-05-24 浏览次数:

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指导本科生的研究成果发表在Briefings in Bioinformatics、Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics和Frontiers in Plant Science等生物信息学和植物学领域的SCI期刊;指导的本科生和研究生在各类竞赛中多次获奖。



3. 2017年11月,翟晶晶等荣获第十五届“挑战杯”中国银行全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等






9. 2021年6月,陈思远学位论文被评为2021年校级优秀博士学位论文。





Ø deepEA: 表观转录组数据深度挖掘与知识发现软件


Ø iwa-miRNA: 植物miRNA注释软件


Ø CAFU: unmapped RNA-Seq read的整合分析与知识挖掘软件


Ø deepTS: 基于RNA-Seq的转录本转换事件分析软件


Ø DeepGS: 基于深度学习技术的全基因组选择分子育种分析软件

(https://github.com/cma2015/DeepGS; 软件著作版权登记号: 2017SR318612)

Ø G2P: 全基因组选择预测软件评估与推荐系统

(https://github.com/cma2015/G2P; 软件著作版权登记号: 2017SR034534)

Ø PEA: 植物表观转录组学数据整合分析软件

(https://github.com/cma2015/PEA; 软件著作版权登记号: 2017SR658481)

Ø RAP: 基于机器学习技术的基因功能预测软件

(https://github.com/cma2015/RAP; 软件著作版权登记号: 2016SR318029)

Ø miRLocator: 基于机器学习技术的植物miRNA预测软件

(https://github.com/cma2015/miRLocator; 软件著作版权登记号: 2015SR102323)

Ø KGBassembler:植物十字花科基因组序列拼接软件 (http://bioinfo.nwafu.edu.cn/software)

Ø rsgcc:基因调控关系挖掘软件 (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rsgcc)

Ø mlDNA: 大规模转录组学数据智能分析软件 (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/mlDNA)

3)在Trends in Plant Science、Plant Cell、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal、Briefings in Bioinformatics、Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics以及Bioinformatics等植物学和生物信息学领域的学术期刊上发表论文20余篇。

Ø Zhang T#, Zhai JJ, Zhang XR, Ling L, Li MH, Xie S, Song MG, Ma C*. Interactive web-based annotation of plant microRNAs with iwa-miRNA.  Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics , 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.gpb.2021.02.010

Ø Zhai JJ#, Song J, Zhang T, Xie S, Ma C*. deepEA: a containerized web server for interactive analysis of epitranscriptome sequencing data.  Plant Physiology , 2021, 185(1):29-33.

Ø Qiu ZX#, Chen SY#, Qi YH, Liu CN, Zhai JJ, Xie S, Ma C*. Exploring transcriptional switches from pairwise, temporal and population RNA-Seq data using deepTS.  Briefings in Bioinformatics , 2021, 22(3):bbaa137.

Ø 刘春妮,宋明桂,陈思远,邱志旭,马闯. 干旱耐受型和敏感型玉米应答干旱的比较转录组学分析. 皇冠登陆入口welcome学报(自然科学版),2021, 49(4): 29-39.

Ø Chen SY#, Ren CZ#, Zhai JJ#, Yu JT#, Zhao XY, Li ZL, Zhang T, Ma WL, Han ZX, Ma C*. CAFU: a Galaxy framework for exploring unmapped RNA-Seq data.  Briefings in Bioinformatics , 2020, 21(2): 676-686.

Ø Miao ZY, Zhang T, Qi YH, Song J, Han ZX, Ma C*. Evolution of the RNA N6-methyladenosine methylome mediated by genomic duplication.  Plant Physiology , 2020, 182, 345-360.

Ø Wang X#, Chen S, Shi X, Liu D, Zhao P, Lu Y, Cheng Y, Liu Z, Nie X, Song W, Sun Q, Xu S*, Ma C*. Hybrid sequencing reveals insight into heat sensing and signaling of bread wheat.  Plant J , 2019, 98(6): 1015-1032.

Ø Zhai JJ#, Song J, Cheng Q, Tang YJ, Ma C*. PEA: an integrated R toolkit for plant epitranscriptome analysis.  Bioinformatics , 2018, 34(21): 3747-3749.

Ø Song J#, Zhai JJ#, Bian EZ#, Song YJ, Yu JT, Ma C*. Transcriptome-wide annotation of m5C modifications using machine learning.  Frontiers in Plant Science , 2018, 9: 519.

Ø Ma WL#, Qiu ZX#, Song J, Li JJ, Cheng Q, Zhai JJ, Ma C*. A deep convolutional neural network approach for predicting phenotypes from genotypes.  Planta , 2018, 248(5): 1307-1318.

Ø Tan JF#, Miao ZY#, Ren CZ#, Yuan RX, Tang YJ, Zhang XR, Han ZX*, Ma C*. Evolution of intron-poor clades and expression patterns of the glycosyltransferase family 47.  Planta , 2018, 247: 745-760.

Ø Miao ZY#, Han ZX#, Zhang T, Chen SY, Ma C*. A systems approach to a spatio-temporal understanding of the drought stress response in maize.  Scientific Reports , 2017, 7: 6590.

Ø Zhai JJ#, Tang YJ#, Yuan H, Wang LT, Shang HL, Ma C*. A meta-analysis based method for prioritizing candidate genes in a pre-specific function.  Frontiers in Plant Science , 2016, 7: 1914.

Ø Cui HB#*, Zhai JJ, Ma C*. miRLocator: machine learning-based prediction of mature microRNAs within plant pre-miRNA sequences.  PLoS One , 2015, 10: e0142753.

Ø Zha JP#, Thakare D#, Ma C, Lloyd A, Nixon NM, Burnett WJ, Ologan KO, Wang DF, Wang XF, Drews GN, Yadegari R*. RNA sequencing of laser-capture microdissected compartments of the maize kernel identified regulatory modules associated with endosperm cell differentiation.  Plant Cell , 2015, 27, 513-531.

Ø Ma C#, Zhang HH, Wang XF*. Machine learning for big data analytics in plants.  Trends in Plant Science,  2014, 19: 798-808

Ø Ma C#, Xin MM, Feldmann KA, Wang XF*. Machine learning-based differential network analysis: a study of stress-responsive transcriptomes in  Arabidopsis thaliana.   Plant Cell , 2014, 26: 520-537

Ø Xin MM#, Yang RL#, Li GS, Chen H, Laurie J, Ma C, Wang DF, Yao YY, Larkins BA, Sun QX, Yadegari R, Wang XF*, Ni ZF. Dynamic expression of imprinted genes associates with maternally controlled nutrient allocation during maize endosperm development.  Plant Cell , 2013,  25(9):3212-3227.

Ø Hu XC#, Ma C, Zhou YH*. A novel two-layer SVM model in miRNA Drosha processing site detection.  BMC Systems Biology , 2013, 7(Suppl 4): S4.

Ø Yang RL#, Jarvis DJ#, Chen H, Beilstein M, Grimwood J, Jenkins J, Shu SQ, Prochnik S, Xin MM, Ma C, Schmutz J, Wing RA, Mitchell-Olds T, Schumaker K, Wang XF*. The reference genome of the halophytic plant Eutrema salsugineum.  Frontiers  in Plant  Science , 2013, 4:46.

Ø Ma C#, Wang XF*. Application of the Gini correlation coefficient to infer regulatory relationships in transcriptome analysis.  Plant Physiology , 2012, 160(1): 192-203.

Ø Ma C#, Chen H, Xin MM, Yang RL, Wang XF*. KGBassembler: A karyotype-based genome assembler for  Brassicaceae  species.  Bioinformatics , 2012, 28(23): 3141-3143.

Ø Ma C, Wang J, Li L, Duan MJ, Zhou YH. Identification of true EST alignments for recognising transcribed regions.  International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics , 2011, 5(5): 465-484.




Email: chuangma2006@gmail.com
