
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2015-09-22 浏览次数:



张立新,男,汉族,陕西韩城市人。皇冠登陆入口welcome皇冠登陆入口welcome三级教授,巴基斯坦拉合尔大学名誉教授,博士生导师,中国科学院博士后,入选2010年中国科学院 “西部之光”人才培养计划,2010年校级优秀教师。国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项首席专家,中巴生物健康农业海外科技示范园首席专家,陕西省烟草专卖局(公司)烤烟和雪茄烟重大科技项目首席专家;国际生物健康农业倡导者(http://baa.nwsuaf.edu.cn/index.htm),丝绸之路(杨凌)生物健康农业产业联盟理事长,中巴农业生物资源研究中心主任,中国原子能农学会常务理事,生物健康农业产业党支部书记。近5年主持国家和省部级科研项目10余项。取得科研获奖成果5项,其中陕西省科学技术二等奖1项(第1名),教育部中国高校科技进步二等奖1项(第2名)。共发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI收录论文60余篇,授权国家发明专利3件,实用新型专利2件,主参编专著6部,发布标准10个。主要从事植物营养与逆境生理、健康土壤培育和药用植物新用途以及农业废弃物综合利用和生物健康农业理论与技术等领域的教学、研究与推广工作。

1. 主讲课程

本科生  植物生理学 生命科学导论 生命与文学

研究生  植物水分生理

2. 研究领域方向









3. 学习和研究经历


4. 近五年承担的主要科研项目









陕西省农业科技创新计划项目(NYKJ-2021-YL(XN)20):养殖场废弃物资源化利用技术创新及其在陕西苹果与葡萄产业应用示范,2022-2023年 ;


中国烟草总公司陕西省公司重大科技项目(SXYC-2021-KJ-01):陕西烟叶质量特色挖掘及彰显技术研究与应用,2021-2024年 ;

中国烟草总公司陕西省公司重大科技项目(SXYC-2020-KJ-02):陕西秦巴烟叶高质量发展水肥协同关键技术研究与示范,2020-2023年 ;

陕西中烟工业有限责任公司科技计划项目(JL/SZY JS001):秦巴烟叶品质与香气评价及影响因素研究,2016-2018年。






5. 近5年来发表的论文(著)


[1] Mohammad Abass Ahangera, Maodong Qi, Ziguang Huang, Xuedong Xu, Naheeda Begum,Cheng Qin, Chenxi Zhang, Nadeem Ahmad, Nabil S. Mustafa, Muhammad Ashraf, Lixin Zhang*. Improving growth and photosynthetic performance of drought stressed tomato by application of nano-organic fertilizer involves up-regulation of nitrogen, antioxidant and osmolyte metabolism. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf.,2021,216:112195.(JCR一区).

[2] Maodong Qi,Xi Zheng, Gaili Niu,  Aiping Ye, Shabir A. Rather, Nadeem Ahmed, Nabil S. Mustafad, Pingping Wang, Manzer H. Siddiqui, Ritesh Kimar, Lixin Zhang*. Supplementation of acetylcholine mediates physiological and biochemical changes in tobacco lead to alleviation of damaging efects of drought stress on growth and photosynthesis.J Plant Growth Reg.2022,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-022-10642-0.(JCR一区).

[3] Habiba Khaliq, Sumera Anwar, Fahad Shafiq, Muhammad Ashraf, Lixin Zhang, Imtiaz Haider, Shahbaz Khan. Interactive effects of soil and foliar applied nano-biochar on growth, metabolites, and nutrient composition in  Daucus carota  . J. Plant Growth Reg.,2022(accepted).

[4] Bensheng Li, Chao Zhang,, Maodong Qi, Xi Zheng, Nabil S. Mustafad, Nadeem Ahmed,, Muhammad Anees, Mohammad Abass Ahanger, and Lixin Zhang*.Effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on uptake and utilization of phosphorus and root architecture in apple seedlings under water limited  regimes. Int. J. App. Exp Bio.,2022,1(1):1-8.

[4] Lin, B., Li B., Huang Z., Mustafad and L. Zhang*. Effects of vermicompost application on quality of flue-cured tobacco. Pak. J. Bot., 2021:53(2): 701-706.

[5] Zhang, C., Z. Huang, B. Li, Y. Mu, P. Wang, S. Ai, N.S. Mustafad, S. Hayat and S. Bo*. Effects of vermicompost application on soil properties and root physiological characteristics of flue-cured tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum  L.) – a potential animal feed additive. Pak. J. Bot., 2021,53(6): 2213-2219.

[6] Qin, C,Ahanger, MA, Lin, B, Huang, ZG, Zhou, J, Ahmed, N,Ai,SL,Mustafa,NS,Ashraf,M,Zhang,LX*. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals the regulatory effects of acetylcholine on salt tolerance of Nicotiana benthamiana. Phytochemistry ,2021,181 :112582.(JCR一区).

[7] Naheeda Begum,Kashif Akhtar,Muhammad Abass Ahanger, Mudassar Iqbal,Pingping Wang,Nabil S. Mustafa,Lixin Zhang*. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve growth, essential oil,secondary metabolism, and yield of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum  L.) under drought stress conditions. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.,2021,28(33):45276-45295.(JCR一区).

[8] Yasser Thabet A. Moustafa,Nabil S.A. Mustafa, Mohamad F. El-Dahshouri, Sameh M.M. EL-Sawy,Laila F.Haggag, Lixin Zhang and Raghda Zuhair.Role of vermicompost types (fish sludge and cow dung) in improving agronomic behavior and soil health of tomato crop.Asian J. Plant Sci.,2021,DOI: 10.3923/ajps.2.

[9] Yasser Thabet A. Moustafa, Eman S. El-Hady,Mohamad F. El-Dahshouri, Raghda Zuhair, Lixin Zhang and Nabil S.A. Mustafa. Impact of different agro-wastes on quality of vermicompost made of either fish sludge or cow dung. Asian J. Plant Sci.,2021, 20 (3):370-379.

[10] Yasser Thabet A. Moustafa, Tarek R. Elsayed, Mohamad F. El-Dahshour,Safwat A.A. Gomah, Lixin Zhang and Nabil S. A. Mustafa. Effect of aquatic plants (duck weed and water hyacinth) on physico-chemical and microbial activities of vermicompost. Biosci. Res., 2020, 17(2): 1511-1520.

[11] R. Zuhair, Y.T.A. Moustafa, N.S.A. Mustafa Raghda Zuhair1, Yasser Thabet A. Moustafa, Nabil S. A. Mustafa,Mohamad F. ElDahshouri, Lixin Zhang, Mohamed F. Ageba. Efficacy of amended vermicompost for bio-control of root knot nematode (RKN) Meloidogyne incognita infesting tomato in Egypt. Environ. Technol. Innov.,2022: doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2022.102397.

[12] Qin C, Ahanger, MA, Zhou J, Ahmed N, Wei C, Yuan S, Ashraf M, Zhang, LX. 2019. Beneficial role of Acetylcholine in chlorophyll metabolism and photosynthesis gas exchange in Nicotiana benthamiana seedlings under salinity stress. Plant Bio., 2020,22: 357-365.(JC二区).

[13] Yunyun Su, Cheng Qin, Naheeda Begum, Muhammad Ashraf, Lixin Zhang. Acetylcholine ameliorates the adverse effects of cadmium stress through mediating growth, photosynthetic activity and subcellular distribution of cadmium in tobacco ( Nicotiana benthamiana ). Ecotox. Environ. Safe., 2020, 198.(JCR一区).

[14] Naheeda Begum, Muhammad Abass Ahanger, Lixin Zhang*.AMF inoculation and phosphorus supplementation alleviates drought induced growth and photosynthetic decline in Nicotiana tabacum by up regulating antioxidant metabolism and osmolyte accumulation. Environ. Exp. Bot. ,2020,176:104088.(JCR一区).

[15] Chang-yan Yao, Jin-hua Deng, Xiang Liu, Ai-ping Ye, Naheeda Begum, Chen-xi Zhang,Nadeem Ahmad and Li-xin Zhang. Study on the relationship betewwn tobacco ecinomic characteristics and tobacco planting income based on short panel data of 25 counties in Shannxi province of China during 2015-2019.Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 2020, 57(4): 925-931.

[16] Y.Y.SU,Y.Q. CHENG,C. QIN,N. AHMED, Y.H.MU, N.S. MUSTAFAD,M. ASHRAF and L.X. ZHANG.Exogenous acetylcholine alleviates cadmium-induced phytotoxicity by modulating photosynthetic metabolism and antioxidant potential in tobacco ( Nicotiana benthamiana  ).Photosynthetica.2020,58(4):984-994.(JCR二区).

[17] Li, XR, Tang, Y, Li, HL ,Luo, W, Zhou, CJ, Zhang, LX, Lv, JY. A wheat R2R3 MYB gene  TaMpc1 -D4 negatively regulates drought tolerance in transgenic  Arabidopsis  and wheat.Plant Sci, 2022:299:110613.

[18] Li, XR, Zhang, X, Liu, GP, Tang, Y, Zhou, CJ, Zhang, LX, Lv, JY. The spike plays important roles in the drought tolerance as compared to the flag leaf through the phenylpropanoid pathway in wheat. Plant Physi. Biochem., 2020, 152, 100-111.

[19] Li, HL, Pu, P,Li, XR,Gong, YZ, An, DS, Zhang, LX, Lv, JY. Sulfur application reduces cadmium uptake in pakchoi ( Brassica Chinensis  L.) edible part by cadmium chelation and vacuolar sequestration. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 194:1-8.

[20] Li, XR,Tang, Y, Zhou, CJ , Zhang, LX, Lv, JY. A wheat WRKY transcription factor TaWRKY46 enhances tolerance to osmotic stress in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Int. J. Molecular Sci., 2020, 21, 1-14.

[21] Jie Zhou, Nadeem Ahmed, Yaqian Cheng, Cheng Qin, Peize Chen, Chenxi Zhang and Lixin Zhang*. Effect of inoculation of strains with ACC deaminase isolated from vermicompost on seed germination and some physiological attributes in maize ( Zea mays  L.) exposed to salt stress). Pak. J. Bot., 2019,51(4):1169-1177.

[22] Cheng Qin, Bensheng Li, Wei Wu, Yunyun Su, Gaili Niu, Fucai Chen, Chenxi Zhang, Chengcai Wei, Shuai Yuan and Lixin Zhang*.Exogenous application of indole acetic acid (IAA) and giberrelic acid (GA3) induces changes in carbon and nitrogen metabolisms that affect tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum  L.) production. Pak. J. Bot., 2019,51(1): 149-155.

[23] Mohammad Abass Ahanger, Cheng Qin, Qi Maodong, Xu Xue Dong, Parvaiz Ahmad,Elsayed Fathi Abd Allah, Lixin Zhang*. Spermine application alleviates salinity induced growth and photosynthetic inhibition in  Solanum lycopersicum  by modulating osmolyte and secondary metabolite accumulation and differentially regulating antioxidant metabolism.Plant Physiol. Biochem.,2019,144:1-13.(JCR一区).

[24] Mohammad Abass Ahanger, Cheng Qin, Naheeda Begum, Qi Maodong, Xu Xue Dong, Mohamed El-Esawi,Mohamed A. El-Sheikh, Abdulrahman A. Alatar and Lixin Zhang*. Nitrogen availability prevents oxidative effects of salinity on wheat growth and photosynthesis by up-regulating the antioxidants and osmolytes metabolism, and secondary metabolite accumulation., BMC Plant Bio., 2019,19:479.(JCR一区).

[25] Naheeda Begum, Cheng Qin, Muhammad Abass Ahanger, Sajjad Raza, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan, Muhammad Ashraf, Nadeem Ahmed and Lixin Zhang*. Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Plant Growth Regulation: Implications in Abiotic Stress Tolerance.Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Plant Growth Regulation: Implications in Abiotic Stress Tolerance. Front. Plant Sci., 2019,10:1068.(JCR一区).

[26] C. QIN, Y.Y. SU, B.S. LI, Y.Q. CHENG, C.C. WEI, S. YUAN , N. AHMED , M. ASHRAF,and L.X. ZHANG*.Acetylcholine mechanism of action to enhance tolerance to salt stress in  Nicotiana benthamiana . Photosynthetica,2019,57(2): 590-598.(JCR二区).

[27] Naheeda Begum, Muhammad Abass Ahanger, Yunyun Su, Yafang Lei, Nabil Sabet A. Mustafa ,Parvaiz Ahmad and Lixin Zhang*.Improved drought tolerance by AMF inoculation in maize ( Zea mays ) involves physiological and biochemical implications. Plants,2019,8:579.(JCR二区).

[28] Yunyun Su, Cheng Qin, Zheng Li, Yaqian Cheng, Nadeem Ahmed, Chenxi Zhang and Lixin Zhang*. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of betaine transporter gene in maize ( Zea mays  L.).Pak. J. Bot., 2019,51(6): 2073-2079.

[29] Gai-Li Niu, Wei Gou, Xiang-Long Han, Cheng Qin, Li-Xin Zhang,* Abd El-Fatah Abomohra and Muhammad Ashraf. Cloning and Functional Analysis of Phosphoethanolamine Methyltransferase Promoter from Maize (  Zea mays  L .). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19(1):191.

[30] Niu, G., Begum, N., Gou, W., Zheng, P., Qin, C., & Zhang, L*. Modulation effect of inoculated Raoultella planticola on glycinebetaine metabolism in two maize ( Zea mays  L.) cultivars differing in drought tolerance. Pak. J. Bot., 2017 , 49 (6) :2095-2101.

[31] Gou, W., Zheng, P., Tian, L., Gao, M., Zhang, L*.  Akram, N. A.,Exogenous application of urea and a urease inhibitor improves drought stress tolerance in maize (  Zea mays  l.). J. Plant Res., 2017, 130(3), 599.

[32] Qin C, Jin BF, Tang YH, Liu HL, Hu Q, Zheng PF, Li ST, Mao KL, Zhao PB, Lian HD, Akram AA, and Zhang LX*. Effect of vermicompost on some physiological attributes involved in carbon and nitrogen metabolism as well as nutrient status in leaves of tobacco (  Nicotiana tabacum  L.).  Pak. J. Bot., 2016,48(5): 1799-1803.

[33] Gou W, Zheng PF, Zheng P, Wang K, Zhang LX*, and Akram AN. Salinity-induced callus browning and re-differentiation, root formation by plantlets and anatomical structures of plantlet leaves in two malus species. Pak. J. Bot., 2016,48(4): 1393-1398.

[34] Gou W, Zhang L, Chen FC, Cui ZY, Zhao YG, Zheng PF, Tian L, Zhang C, and Zhang LX*. (2015) Foliar application of amino acids modulates aroma components of “FUJI” apple (  Malus domestica  L.).  Pak. J. Bot., 47(6): 2257-2262.

[35] Gou W, Tian L, Ruan Z Zheng P, Chen FC, Zhang L*, Cui ZY, Zheng PF, Li Z, Gao M, Shi W, Zhang LX, Liu JC, and Hu JJ. (2015) Accumulation of choline and glycine betaine and drought stress tolerance induced in maize (  Zea Mays  L.) by three plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains. Pak. J. Bot., 47(2): 581-586.

[36] Zhang LX, Zheng P, Ruan Z, Tian L, and Ashraf M. (2015) Nitric oxide accumulation and glycine betaine metabolism in two osmotically stressed maize cultivars supplied with different nitrogen forms. Biol.Plantarum 59(1):183-186.

[37] Zhang LX, Lai JH, Liang ZS, and Ashraf M. (2014) Interactive effects of sudden and gradual drought stress and foliar-applied glycine betaine on growth, water relations, osmolyte accumulation and antioxidant defense system in two maize cultivars differing in drought tolerance. J. Agron. Crop Sci.,200(6): 252-233.

[38] Zhang LX, Lai JH, Gao M, and Ashraf M. (2014) Exogenous glycinebetaine and humic acid improve growth, nitrogen status, photosynthesis, and antioxidant defense system and confer tolerance to nitrogen stress in maize seedlings. Journal of Plant Interactions 9(1): 159-166.

[39] Zhang LX, Gao M, Li SX, Alva AK, and Ashraf M. (2014). Potassium fertilization mitigates the adverse effects of drought on selected Zea mays cultivars. Turkish Journal of Botany 38(4): 713-723.

[40] Zhang LX, Han MY, Zhao CP, Liu CH, Zhang FF, Zhang LS, and Li BZ. 15Nitrogen study on absorption, distribution and utilization of nitrogen applied in early summer in Red Fuji apple (Malus domestica L.). J. Plant Nutr.,2012,35(10): 1557-1571.

[41] Zhang LX, Li SQ, Li SX, and Liang ZS. How does nitrogen application ameliorate negative effects of long-term drought in two maize cultivars in relation to plant growth, water status, and nitrogen metabolism? Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal.,2012, 43(12): 1632-1646.

[42] An ZF, Li CY, Zhang LX*, and Alva KA. Roles of polyamines and phospholipase D in maize (  Zea mays  L.) response to drought stress. South Afr .J. Bot.,2012, 83: 145-150.

[43] 刘祥,周洁,邓金华,叶爱萍,郑玺,张立新.蚯蚓粪与化肥配施对红小豆生长与品质的影响.干旱地区农业研究,2022,40(2):181-188.

[44] 穆耀辉, 娄慧敏, 程亚倩, 王军霞,邓金华, 郑玺, 叶爱萍, 黄金辉,艾绥龙', 王平平, 张立新.普通硅肥与纳米硅肥对烤烟内生真菌种群结构的影响.陕西农业科学,2022,68(08): 44-51,79.

[45] 陈凤娥,王平平,黄金辉,邓金华,刘祥,穆耀辉.陕西秦巴烟区6年间烤烟主要化学成分含量的分布特征研究.陕西农业科学2021,67(10):29-34.

[46] 程亚倩,周洁,李司童,韦成才,袁帅,穆耀辉,张立新,蚯蚓粪肥对陕西烟区烤烟生长及品质的影响.西南农业学报,2020,33(2):347-356.

[47] 徐雪东,张超,秦成,苏芸芸,周洁,张海,张立新.干旱下接种根际促生细菌对苹果实生苗光合和生理生态特性的影响.应用生态学报,2019,30(10): 3501-3508.

[48] 韩相龙,吴薇,赵鹏博,韦成才,袁帅,李司童,毛凯伦,牛改利.张立新*. 不同碳氮比对烟梗与牛粪堆肥过程的影响.江苏农业科学,2019,16: 303-307.

[49] 毛凯伦, 郑璞帆, 李司童, 赵鹏博, 勾薇,张超,金保锋,扈强,刘海轮,唐永红,张立新*. 不同配比蚯蚓粪与酒糟对烤烟生长和品质的影响[J]. 华北农学报, 2017, 32(1), 215-219.

[50] 郑璞帆, 勾薇, 陈富彩, 张立新*, 金保锋, & 刘海轮. 叶面喷施微量元素对烤烟光合特性、氮钾含量及产值的影响[J]. 皇冠登陆入口welcome学报:自然科学版, 2017,45(10), 41-48.

[51] 李爱梅, 张玲, 张超, 赵鹏博,勾薇,陈富彩,高梅,张立新*. 黄腐酸和甜菜碱预处理对干旱胁迫下平邑甜茶生理特性及光合的影响[J]. 西北植物学报, 2017, 37(2):307-314.

[52] 郑璞帆, 崔志燕, 陈富彩, 唐永红, 勾薇, 金保锋,李司童,毛凯伦,刘海轮,张立新*. 喷施硅肥对烤烟圆顶期光合特性、氮钾含量及产质量的影响[J]. 中国土壤与肥料2017, (4), 124-128.

[53] 李司童, 毛凯伦, 郑璞帆, 赵鹏博, 李爱梅, 吴薇,金保锋,扈强,刘海轮,唐永红,张立新*.. 生物炭与菜籽饼配施对土壤养分及烟叶产质量的影响[J]. 中国土壤与肥料2017, (4), 37-43.

[54] 张超, 李爱梅, 周旭, 张玲, 蔺浩然, 张立新*.等. 地面覆盖对渭北旱地苹果园土壤理化性质与果实产量、品质的影响[J]. 西北农业学报, 2017,26(4), 609-616.  


秦巴特色优质烟叶开发理论与实践. 陕西科学技术出版社,西安,2016,主编

秦巴烟区品牌导向型优质烟叶开发研究与实践. 陕西科学技术出版社,西安,2018,主著.

黄土高原苹果发育调控理论与实践. 中国农业出版社,北京,2015,参编.

苹果矮化密植栽培理论与实践. 科学出版社,北京,2011,参编.

生命的翅膀. 西北大学出版社,陕西,2016,独著.

6. 科技成果

“氮、钾、甜菜碱提高玉米抗旱性的机理研究和抗旱型叶面肥开发与示范”,2010年教育部鉴定成果-鉴字[教QF2010] 第004号(成果登记号360-10-22041176-14),2011年陕西省科学技术二等奖,第1完成人。



实用新型专利(授权):一种检测禽畜粪便堆肥腐熟度的蚯蚓逃避实验装置.赵鹏博, 吴薇, 张立新*. 专利号:ZL 2017 21425760.8X, 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 授权公告日:2017年8月25日.

实用新型专利(授权): 一种新型蚯蚓密集养殖箱. 张立新*,邓金华,韩相龙,韦成才,袁帅(皇冠登陆入口welcome). 专利号:ZL 2019 2 1991021.4,专利申请日:2019年11月18日,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,授权公告日:2020年09月01日。

发明专利(授权): 一种适用于旱季烟田的水肥一体化滴灌方法.张立新*,程雅倩, 韦成才,袁帅,李爱梅(皇冠登陆入口welcome). 专利号:ZL 2018 1 1456620.0,专利申请日:2018年11月30日,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局,授权公告日:2021年09月24日。

发明专利(授权): 精良防堵液体施肥枪.张立新*, 周建峰, 赵永桂. 专利号: ZL 2013 1 0308873.4, 中华人民共和国国家知识产权局, 授权公告日:2015年6月17日.

7. 联系方式


传    真:029-87092262

E-mail: zhanglixin@nwsuaf.edu.cn; 1165392261@qq.com
