
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2018-05-21 浏览次数:

一、 学习及工作经历fa51f530512646068067ac6a393d8b90.jpg

2021.1-         皇冠登陆入口welcome  皇冠登陆入口welcome  教授

2012.4-2020.12  皇冠登陆入口welcome 皇冠登陆入口welcome 副教授

2009.6-2012.2   美国密歇根大学 药学院 博士后

2004.9-2009.5   中科院物理研究所 软物质物理实验室 凝聚态物理学 博士

2000.9-2004.7   北京师范大学 物理学系 物理学 学士

二、 主要研究方向

主要研究领域为单分子生物学与结构生物学。自2012年入职至今,主持建立了单分子研究平台,在国内率先将单分子荧光成像应用于蛋白质与核酸互作机理的研究。现阶段工作主要围绕“染色质结构的动态调控”展开,具体针对核酸G-四链体的结构与功能进行研究。包括:1. 四链核酸DNA、RNA的形成机制与变化规律;2. 蛋白质对G4结构进行调控的分子机制;3. G4结构与癌基因表达调控;4. G4结构与病毒转录复制。

三、 主讲课程


四、 主要研究成果


1. Yi-Ran Wang; Ting-Ting Guo; Ya-Ting Zheng; Chang-Wei Lai; Bo Sun; Xu-Guang Xi; Xi-Miao Hou*. Replication protein A plays multifaceted roles complementary to specialized helicases in processing G-quadruplex DNA.  iScience , 2021, doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2021.102493.  

2. Gao Bo, Xi-Miao Hou*. Opposite Effects of Potassium Ions on the Thermal Stability of i-Motif DNA in Different Buffer Systems.  ACS Omega , 6: 8976 (2021)

3. Fang-Yuan Teng, Ting-Ting Wang, Hai-Lei Guo, Ben-Ge Xin, Bo Sun, Shou-Xing Dou, Xu-Guang Xi*, Xi-Miao Hou*. The HRDC domain oppositely modulates the unwinding activity of E. coli RecQ helicase on duplex DNA and G-quadruplex.  Journal of Biological Chemistry.  295:17646 (2020).

4. Qing-Man Wang, Yan-Tao Yang, Yi-Ran Wang, Bo Gao, Xu-Guang Xi, and Xi-Miao Hou*. Human Replication protein A induces dynamic changes in single-stranded DNA and RNA structures.  Journal of Biological Chemistry . 294:13915 (2019).

5. Lei Wang, Qing-Man Wang, Yi-Ran Wang, Xu-Guang Xi, and Xi-Miao Hou*. DNA-unwinding activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 is modulated by thermal stability, folding conformation, and loop lengths of G-quadruplex DNA.  Journal of Biological Chemistry . 293:18504 (2018).

6. Xi-Miao Hou#*, Yi-Ben Fu#, Wen-Qiang Wu, Lei Wang, Fang-Yuan Teng, Ping Xie, Peng-Ye Wang, Xu-Guang Xi*. Involvement of G-triplex and G-hairpin in the multi-pathway folding of human telomeric G-quadruplex.  Nucleic Acids Research , 45:11401 (2017).

7. Bo Zhang, Wen-Qiang Wu, Na-Nv Liu, Xiao-Lei Duan, Ming Li, Shuo-Xing Dou and Xi-Miao Hou* and Xu-Guang Xi*. G-quadruplex and G-rich sequence stimulate Pif1p-catalyzed downstream duplex DNA unwinding through reducing waiting time at ss/dsDNA junction.  Nucleic Acids Research , 44: 8385 (2016).

8. Wen-Qiang Wu, Xi-Miao Hou*, Ming Li, Shuo-Xing Dou and Xu-Guang Xi*.  BLM unfolds G-quadruplexes in different structural environments through different mechanisms.  Nucleic Acids Research . 43: 4614 (2015).

9. Xi-Miao Hou#, Wen-Qiang Wu#, Xiao-Lei Duan, Na-Nv Liu, Hai-Hong Li, Jing Fu, Shuo-Xing Dou*, Ming Li and Xu-Guang Xi*. Molecular mechanism of G-quadruplex unwinding helicase: sequential and repetitive unfolding of G-quadruplex by Pif1 helicase.  Biochemical Journal . 466:189-199 (2015).

10. Wei Li#, Xi-Miao Hou#, Peng-Ye Wang, Xu-Guang Xi and Ming Li*. Direct Measurement of Sequential Folding Pathway and Energy Landscape of Human Telomeric G-quadruplex Structures.  Journal of American Chemical Society . 135:6423-6426 (2013).

11. YZ Wang#,XM Hou#,HP Ju,X Xiao,XG Xi,SX Dou,PY Wang,W Li*. Interaction between human telomeric G-quadruplexes characterized by single molecule magnetic tweezers.  Chinese Physics B . 2018, 27:541

12. X. Hou, M. C. DeSantis, C. Tian, and W. Cheng*. (2016). Optical Manipulation of a Single Human Virus for Study of Viral-Cell Interactions.  Proc. of SPIE  9922: 992212. doi: 10.1117/12.2239051

13. Xi-Miao Hou and Wei Cheng*. (2012). Optical Tweezers. In: Roberts GC.  Encyclopedia of Biophysics  .  Heidelberg, Springer.

14. Xi-Miao Hou and Wei Cheng*. (2012). Detection of single fluorescent proteins inside eukaryotic cells using two-photon fluorescence.  Biomedical Optics Express . 3: 340-353.

15. Xi-Miao Hou and Wei Cheng*. (2011). Single-Molecule Detection Using Continuous-Wave Excitation of Two-Photon Fluorescence.  Optics Letters . 36: 3185-3187.

16. Xi-Miao Hou, Wei Li, Shuo-Xing Dou, Ling-Yun Zhang, Wei-Chi Wang and Peng-Ye Wang*. (2009) Formation of DNA toroids confined inside droplets absorbed onto mica surface.  Physical Review E , 79, 051912.

17. Xi-Miao Hou, Xing-Hua Zhang, Kong-Ji Wei, Chao Ji, Shuo-Xing Dou, Wei-Chi Wang, Ming Li and Peng-Ye Wang* (2009) Cisplatin induces loop structures and condensation of single DNA molecules.  Nucleic Acids Research , 37, 1400-1410.


18. Ye, S.S., Chen, Z.T., Zhang, X., Li, F.F., Guo, L.J., Hou, X.M., Wu, W.Q., Wang, J., Liu, C., Zheng, K., and Sun, B.*Proximal single-stranded RNA destabilizes human telomerase RNA G-quadruplex and induces its distinct conformers.  The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 2021, 12:3361

19. Yang-Xue Dai, Wei-Fei Chen , Na-Nv Liu, Fang-Yuan Teng , Hai-Lei Guo, Xi-Miao Hou, Shuo-Xing Dou, Stephane Rety , Xu-Guang Xi*. Structural and functional studies of SF1B Pif1 from Thermus oshimai reveal dimerization-induced helicase inhibition.  Nucleic Acids Res , 2021, 49:4129.

20. Qin Z, Bi L, Hou XM, Zhang S, Zhang X, Lu Y, Li M, Modesti M, Xi XG, Sun B*. Human RPA activates BLM's bidirectional DNA unwinding from a nick.  Elife , 2020, 9:e54098

21. Siqi Zhang, Qian Zhang, Xi-Miao Hou, Lijuan Guo, Fangzhu Wang, Lulu Bi, Xia Zhang, Hai-Hong Li, Fengcai Wen, Xu-Guang Xi, Xingxu Huang, Bin Shen, Bo Sun*. Dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 in DNA target Association and Dissociation.  EMBO Reports,  2020, 21(10):e50184

22. Fang-Yuan Teng, Zong-Zhe Jiang, Ling-Yun Huang, Man Guo , Feng Chen , Xi-Miao Hou, Xu-Guang Xi, Yong Xu*. A Toolbox for Site-Specific Labeling of RecQ Helicase With a Single Fluorophore Used in the Single-Molecule Assay.  Front Mol Biosci  .  2020, 7:586450

23. Wei-Fei Chen , Stephane Rety , Hai-Lei Guo , Yang-Xue Dai , Wen-Qiang Wu , Na-Nv Liu , Daniel Auguin , Qian-Wen Liu, Xi-Miao Hou, Shuo-Xing Dou , Xu-Guang Xi*. Molecular Mechanistic Insights into Drosophila DHX36-Mediated G-Quadruplex Unfolding: A Structure-Based Model.  Structure , 2018, 26(3):403-415

24. Wen-Qiang Wu, Xi-Miao Hou, Bo Zhang, Philippe Fossé, Brigitte René, Olivier Mauffret,

Ming Li, Shuo-Xing Dou, and Xu-Guang Xi. Single-molecule studies reveal reciprocating of

WRN helicase core along ssDNA during DNA unwinding.  Scientific Reports , 2017:43954.

25. Fang-Yuan Teng, Xi-Miao Hou, San-Hong Fan , Stephane Rety , Shuo-Xing Dou, Xu-Guang Xi*. Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I can disrupt G-quadruplex structures during DNA replication.  FEBS J  . , 2017, 284(23):4051

26. Hai-Peng Ju, Yi-Zhou Wang, Jing You, Xi-Miao Hou, Xu-Guang Xi, Shuo-Xing Dou, Wei Li, and Peng-Ye Wang. (2016) Folding Kinetics of Single Human Telomeric G‑Quadruplex Affected by Cisplatin.  ACS Omega , 1, 244−250

27. Pang, Y., Song, H., Kim, J. H., Xi-Miao Hou, Cheng, W. (2014). Optical trapping of individual human immunodeficiency viruses in culture fluid reveals heterogeneity with single-molecule resolution.  Nature Nanotechnology , 9(8), 624-30.

28. Koh, B., Park, J. B., Xi-Miao Hou, Cheng, W. (2011). Comparative dispersion studies of single-walled carbon nanotubes in aqueous solution.  Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 115(11), 2627-33.

29. Wei Cheng, Xi-Miao Hou, Fang-Mao Ye. (2010) Use of tapered amplifier diode laser for biological-friendly high-resolution optical trapping[J].  Optics Letters  ,  35(17):2988-90.

30. Yu-Dong Zhang, Shu-Xin Hu, Bing Yuan, Xi-Miao Hou, Ying Lu, Ming Li. (2009). Subnanometer-thick pbs film on organic substrate and its usage as buffer for homo- and heteroepitaxial overgrowth.  Langmuir , 25(10), 5609-5613.

31. Xing-Hua Zhang, Xi-Miao Hou, Chao Ji, Ming Li and Peng-Ye Wang, (2009) Spermidine-Induced Two Dimensional DNA Condensation on Mica Surface: A Different Pathway from the Condensation in Solution”.  Chinese Science Bulletin , 54, 2425-2433.

五、 主持科研项目

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 特异解旋酶在G-四链体RNA介导的原癌基因表达调控中的作用及机制, 2021-2024, 58 万

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 用单分子方法研究G-四链体DNA结构稳定性和解旋机制,2014-2016,30万元

3. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划 特异解旋酶对G-四链体RNA进行调控的结构基础与分子作用机制,2020-2021,3万元

六、 联系方式



Email: houximiao@nwsuaf.edu.cn
