一 学习与工作经历
2024-01 至今,皇冠登陆入口welcome,皇冠登陆入口welcome,教授
2019-01 至 2024-01,皇冠登陆入口welcome,皇冠登陆入口welcome,副教授
2016-06 至 2019-01,皇冠登陆入口welcome,皇冠登陆入口welcome,讲师
2012-09 至 2016-06,西安交通大学,生物化学与分子生物学,博士
2009-09 至 2012-07,昆明理工大学,环境工程,硕士
2005-09 至 2009-07,青海大学,环境工程,学士
二 主要研究方向
三 主持或参加的科研项目
(7)陕西省自然科学基金面上项目, 2019JM-255, 西北旱区大豆农田土壤中长期养分添加对氮素循环过程的影响机制,2019/1-2021/12;3万,主持
四 近五年已发表的科研论文
围绕“农田土壤氮素循环过程”等科学问题,从“资源-功能-调控”三个层面,明确农田土壤中关键功能微生物驱动的氮素转化过程,阐明关键氮转化过程对农田土壤养分蓄持和损失贡献,揭示农业管理措施塑造功能微生物结构与功能的机制,为加力提高粮食单产产能,保障国家粮食安全提供了重要理论与技术参考。相关成果发表在Microbiome (2篇), Chemical Engineering Jouranal, Science of The Total Environment, Bioresource Technology, Applied Soil Ecology等期刊。
Yue Hong, Sun Xuming#, Wang Tingting, Zhang Ali, Han Dejun, Wei Gehong*, Song Weining*, Duntao Shu*. 2024. Host genotype-specific rhizosphere fungus enhances drought resistance in wheat. Microbiome. 12:44.
Wu Likun, Ren Chengyao, Jiang Hai, Zhang Wenyu, Chen Ni, Zhao Xining, Wei Gehong*, Shu Duntao*. 2024. Land abandonment transforms soil microbiome stability and functional profiles in apple orchards of the Chinese Losses Plateau. Science of The Total Environment, 906, 167556.
Yue Hong, Yue Wenjie#, Jiao Shuo, Kim Hyun, Lee Yong-Hwan, Wei Gehong*, Song Weining*, Shu Duntao*. 2023. Plant domestication shapes rhizosphere microbiome assembly and metabolic functions. Microbiome, 11(1), 1-19.
Li Ruochen, Ren Chengyao, Wu Likun, Zhang Xinxin, Mao Xinyi, Fan Zhen, Cui Weili, Zhang Wu, Wei Gehong*, Shu Duntao*. 2023. Fertilizing-induced alterations of microbial functional profiles in soil nitrogen cycling closely associate with crop yield. Environmental Research, 231, 116194.
Cui Weili, Li Ruochen, Fan Zhen, Wu Likun, Zhao Xining, Wei Gehong*, Shu Duntao*. 2023. Weak environmental adaptation of rare phylotypes sustaining soil multi-element cycles in response to decades-long fertilization. Science of The Total Environment, 871, 162063.
Fan Zhen, Li Ruochen, Guan Enxiao, Chen Haiqing, Zhao Xining, Wei Gehong*, Shu Duntao*. 2023. Fertilization regimes affect crop yields through changes of diazotrophic community and gene abundance in soil aggregation. Science of The Total Environment, 866, 161359.
Zhang Chunfang, Wei Gehong*, Shu Duntao*. 2023. Temporal loss of fungal taxa driven by drift contributes to community stability during soybean development. Applied Soil Ecology, 186, 104819.
Zhang Chunfang, Wei Gehong*, Shu Duntao*. 2022. Landscape management alters relationships between edaphic conditions, bacterial diversities, and nitrogen-cycling traits. Applied Soil Ecology, 179, 104604.
Shu Duntao, Guo Yanqing#, Zhang Baogang, Zhang Chunfang, Van Nostrand Joy D, Lin Yanbing, Zhou Jizhong, Wei Gehong*. 2021. Rare prokaryotic sub-communities dominate the complexity of ecological networks and soil multinutrient cycling during long-term secondary succession in China's Loess Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 774, 145737.
Zhang Chunfang, Shu Duntao*, Wei Gehong*. 2021. Soybean cropping patterns affect trait-based microbial strategies by changing soil properties. Applied Soil Ecology, 167, 104095.
【Before 2021】
Shu Duntao, Guo Jianhua, Zhang Baogang, He Yanling, Wei Gehong*. 2019. rDNA-and rRNA-derived communities present divergent assemblage patterns and functional traits throughout full-scale landfill leachate treatment process trains. Science of the Total Environment, 646, 1069-1079.
Yue Hong, Zhang Yanyan, He Yanling, Wei Gehong*, Shu Duntao*. 2019. Keystone taxa regulate microbial assemblage patterns and functional traits of different microbial aggregates in simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) systems. Bioresource Technology, 290, 121778.
Shu Duntao, Yue Hong#, He Yanling, Wei Gehong*. 2018. Divergent assemblage patterns of abundant and rare microbial sub-communities in response to inorganic carbon stresses in a simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) system. Bioresource Technology, 257, 249-259.
Shu Duntao, Zhang Baogang, He Yanling, Wei Gehong*. 2018. Abundant and rare microbial sub-communities in anammox granules present contrasting assemblage patterns and metabolic functions in response to inorganic carbon stresses. Bioresource technology, 265, 299-309.
Shu Duntao, He Yanling*, Yue Hong, Wang Qingyi. 2016. Metagenomic and quantitative insights into microbial communities and functional genes of nitrogen and iron cycling in twelve wastewater treatment systems. Chemical Engineering Journal, 290, 21-30.
Email: sqrs@163.com